Maya Joseph

Pronunciation: MYE-ah
Origin: Spanish, Hindi, Russian
Notes: In Spanish, short form of Amalia. In Hindi, "one of a kind." In Russian, a form of Mary. A star constellation.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Miss Belle is now a year and four months old.

She can do so much that it's overwhelming to attempt to accurately diarise her progress. Since the last post, she has learned to walk, run, dance, almost jump, slide and climb up and down stairs. She speaks up to seven word sentences, can recite any book that has been read to her that appeals, any poem she has heard more than once. She tell the basic colours apart, as well as shapes and is attempting letters and numbers now. She can count up to 5.

She's always game for anything, including riding her big brother's bike.She's so pro-active that she is actively weaning herself off the breast and potty-training. She prefers to feed herself, while sitting in her own chair at a table or on the floor. She is very very active and is always on the go go go. She's beautiful with lovely large eyes, pouty sensual lips and a mop of silky curls that she prefers to have unrestrained by clips and the like.

She has an incredible sense of humour and enjoys teasing. She dances happily, and sings to herself and has an insatiable hunger for new material. She can spend hours concentrating on anything she finds interesting and she will do anything Milan is doing as she adores him. She's very affectionate, and enjoys feeding, cuddling, hugging, kissing, playing with her stuffed toys. She animates them in situations too.

Milan doesn't seem to mind her smothering and quite unusually, returns the affection wholeheartedly. They do have their altercations but they are both very loving and fair, so they sort themselves out or get over it rather quickly. Maya is (thankfully) assertive and Milan is very rarely uncharitable. It is difficult to maintain a perfect balance, but I guess we are all human.

Enamoured with Barney and the Tellytubbies and other children. She shrieks with delight whenever something exciting is happening -it always warms our hearts to hear her delight.

She also adores clothing, shoes, jewelry and enjoys experiencing these things - I think they appeal to the sensual side of her nature. She also enjoys animals and is naturally a thoughtful and gentle caring little angel.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Toddle and Talk

Maya has leaped off her first birthday into the land of the toddling.
She's gaining confidence daily and while quite happy to hold one's hand (or a handful of my trousers) and almost run around, she takes a few steps into your arms and today she stood herself up and walked 4 paces to a chair (from which to cruise)
Her vocabulary continues to expand and her pronunciation improve (within minutes sometimes).
She's a really bright spark, loves other children, cradles and pats the backs of her babies, keeps her eyes peeled for dogs ("woahwoahwoah") and birds ("baed") and is generally a lovely person to be around.

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Friday, March 31, 2006

25 Days old

Maya smiles when she wakes up, when she sees or hears her brother and her dad. She's been smiling at me since she was born ;)
She quietens down if she's been crying immediately when she's in my arms.
Now she coos at the frog on her bumper book and vigoursly and can crawl like SpiderMan as well as lift her head when on her tummy :)

Monday, March 06, 2006

Maya Belle Joseph!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Bouncing Baby

I inflated your exercise ball and when i bounce Maya is still.
When i stop she somersaults :-)
She's a cutie :-)

Thursday, November 10, 2005

First Pics